Saturday, January 26, 2013

Review: A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

Well, thus ends the first book of the year (disregarding a few re-reads of soulfully satisfying books. Fine, I was re-reading the Anne series).

I think the most notable part of this book was my surprise at how much I enjoyed this. As a reader who has never enjoyed non-fiction, barely passed Physics and is yet to decipher the difference between an AC and DC motor, this book came as quite a refresher. Bill Bryson is in love with science, realizes it is usual to not be in love with science and then does his best to show us why he loves it so. In the process, we get introduced to a world of marvels and mysteries and shocks, from our pillowcases to the stars.

The raison d'etre behind the popularity of this book is obviously the accessibility of its facts. History, science, evolution is made alive to us with anecdotes, ego battles, doomed scientists and rags-to-riches stories. We are at once made inconsequential in front of the universe and then become the greatest story of survival ever written.Men become heroes and then the villains who put the very survival of earth in question. Not all this is unknown. But Bryson's book is rich in fascinating details and though begins to drag a little in the middle, is an easy read if taken in short bursts rather than a long read.

This book is recommended to everyone, from science lovers who will still find a wide variety of information and some biographies they could not have known to people who run away from science, to show them the miracles which humans have achieved for ages.

This book is my first read for the Chunkster Reading Challenge and has 668 pages.
450-550 - 0
551-750- 1
>750- 0

Rating: J'adore!

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